Before you take your motorcycle on the road you need to purchase insurance for it. Motorcycle insurance like auto insurance protects your ride and you as well in case of a loss and also makes you able to drive legally in the state. There are different types of motorcycle insurance including accessory coverage, rental vehicle coverage, transport trailer coverage, etc.

Two-Wheeled Vehicles

The Department of Revenue’s Motor Vehicle Division is at your service in case you are not sure about the type of your vehicle and whether you need to register and insure it. Just dial (404) 968-3800 and find out.

  • Your two-wheeled vehicle is a motorcycle if:
    • It has been manufactured for legal highway use.
    • It can exceed 30 mph.
    • It has an engine of 50 cc or more.
    • It has more than two horsepower.
  • Your moped or scooter must be registered if you plan to operate is on the state’s roads, if:
    • It meets the above-mentioned motorcycle criteria, but is clearly not a motorcycle.
    • Does not meet the above motorcycle criteria, you are not obliged to register or insure it, unless you plan to operate it on state roads (contact the DOR to see whether your moped/scooter can be operated on Florida’s roads).

Motorcycle Insurance Requirements

Liability insurance is the most common way to establish financial responsibility in the state. If you opt for this route, make sure your insurance policy includes the following minimum requirements:

  • $25,000 per person for bodily injury.
  • $50,000 per accident for bodily injury to two or more people.
  • $25,000 per accident for property damage.

Note: The exact amount of insurance you must purchase for your motorcycle, can be more or less than listed above.

Financial Responsibility

You are obliged to establish financial responsibility for your motorcycle. That means you will be financially able to cover the cost, in case of an accident involving your motorcycle. Here is how you can establish financial responsibility:

  • By using the motorcycle insurance form you see at the top of this page.
  • By buying traditional liability insurance from an auto insurance company licensed with the Office of Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner.
  • By self-insuring through the Office of Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner. However, this might not be an option for you. To make sure it is call (800) 656-2298 to find out, including the steps you need to take.

Helmet Requirements

In the state of Georgia wearing a helmet while on a motorcycle is a rule, regardless of how much liability insurance you buy or self-insurance you provide.

Proof of Insurance and Financial Responsibility

Here is what you need to present in case a law enforcement officer pulls you over.

Insurance Card

If you buy a traditional insurance policy, this card won’t be sufficient proof. Be that as it may, you must have this insurance card all the time.

Insurance Binder

For first time buying insurance, your agent will issue you an insurance binder. It acts as a proof of insurance for 30 days, the time period during which the MVD is awaiting an electronic record of your coverage.

Bill of Sale/Declaration Page

The bill of sale and insurance declaration page are proof of insurance if you’ve just bought the motorcycle and are waiting for the MVD to receive an electronic record of your insurance.

Self-Insured Information

The Office of Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner will issue you a self-insured insurance information card and a certificate of self-insurance, if you have the option of self-insuring your motorcycle. You must also keep these documents with you at all times.


Keep in mind that you could face penalties if you are caught driving with no proof of insurance. Some of the penalties are listed below:

  • Six months of registration suspension.
  • A $25 lapse fee and a registration reinstatement fee of up to $160.
  • Misdemeanor charges if you operate your motorcycle before paying your fees and reinstating your registration.

For more detailed information about your specific fees and registration reinstatement process, contact the MVD at (404) 968-3800.

Last updated on Thursday, October 15 2020.