Motorcycles as any other vehicles need to be insured so you can drive them legally. Motorcycle insurance protects your vehicle as well as you as an owner in the event of a loss or an accident.

In the state of Florida, you do not have to provide proof of financial responsibility when registering motorcycles or mopeds. However, establishing financial responsibility ensures they are financially protected in the event of an accident.

Types of Two-Wheeled Vehicles

  • Motorcycles can be spotted easily. If your two-wheeled vehicle has an engine displacement of more than 50 cc, it is considered as a motorcycle in the state of Florida and you must register it.
  • Your ride is considered as a moped if it has:
    • A seat.
    • Three or fewer wheels.
    • A motor of two-brake horsepower or less.
    • Pedals that allow you to propel the vehicle.
    • Ability to go no faster than 30 mph.
    • An automatic power-drive system.
    • A displacement of 50 cc or less (if it has an internal combustion engine).
  • Your two-wheeled vehicle is a scooter if it has:
    • Three or fewer wheels.
    • No seat or saddle.
    • The ability to go no faster than 30 mph.

Feel free to call the DHSMV at (850) 617-2000 in case you need clarification on these issues.

Insurance Requirements

Before you buy a motorcycle insurance you better contact a licensed insurance agent who will explain you the process and the requirements as well.

No-Fault Law

Incidents where no bodily injuries occurred are covered by No-fault insurance, which includes:

  • $10,000 per person/crash in personal injury protection.
  • $10,000 per crash in property damage liability.

Financial Responsibility Law

Below you will see the state’s minimum liability coverage requirements for private passenger vehicles:

  • $10,000 for one person in bodily injury liability.
  • $20,000 for two or more people in bodily injury liability.
  • $10,000 per crash in property damage liability.
  • $30,000 in combined single limits.

Helmet Requirements

If you are 21 years of age (or older) and have a minimum of $10,000 with a medical insurance policy are under no obligation to wear a helmet. However, regardless of your age or insurance, eye protection is always required unless the motorcycle has a windshield.

Establishing Financial Responsibility

If you have a motorcycle and want/need to establish financial responsibility for the ride, choose one of the methods you see below:

  • You can buy a motorcycle insurance by using the insurance form you see on the top of this page.
  • Get a Financial Responsibility Certificate from the Bureau of Financial Responsibility after you:
    • Post a surety bond with a state-licensed company.
    • Deposit cash or securities with the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV).
  • Get a Self-Insurance Certificate from the Bureau of Financial Responsibility after you present evidence of possessing a net encumbered capital.


Motorcycle owners who do not have a proof of insurance are facing suspended driving license, registration, and license plates, as well as reinstatement fees that vary between $150 and $500. The Florida DHSMV advises you to call the customer service at (850) 617-2000 or your local Motor Vehicle Services office for more information in case you fail to maintain financial responsibility.

Last updated on Thursday, October 15 2020.