New Hampshire defensive driving courses are also known as driver improvement programs and driver attitude programs. Both provide drivers with additional knowledge about safe driving habits. Residents may take an NH defensive driving course at a state-approved traffic school to reduce demerit points, to satisfy a requirement due to a DWI citation, or to get lower car insurance premiums. For more information regarding New Hampshire defensive driving, click here.

Drivers education in New Hampshire is required by the Division of Motor Vehicles for beginner drivers who want to apply for NH driver’s licenses. A first-time driver must enroll in a state-approved drivers ed course when they are at least 15-and-a-half years of age. For more information regarding New Hampshire drivers ed courses, click here.

New Hampshire Drivers Education

NH teen drivers must meet certain requirements before obtaining an NH driver’s license.

The New Hampshire Division of Motor Vehicles requires drivers who are 15-and-a-half years of age to complete a driver education course. Drivers are required to complete three parts of the drivers education course: 30 hours of in-classroom instruction, 10 hours of behind-the-wheel driving experience and six hours of driving observation. In addition to the drivers ed, drivers are required to fulfill a cumulative total of at least 40 hours of other supervised driving experience.

To learn more about drivers ed courses offered in NH, click here.

New Hampshire Defensive Driving

The New Hampshire Division of Motor Vehicles requires drivers to complete a state approved defensive driving class for any of the following reasons:

  • Point reduction.
  • Court order.
  • Order from the Bureau of Hearings.
  • Insurance premium reduction.
  • Voluntary/personal education.

Drivers can enroll in a driver improvement program in New Hampshire for various reasons: to reduce demerit points from driving records, restore driving privileges, satisfy a requirement due to a DWI citation, get lower car insurance premiums or improve defensive driving skills.

Traffic school programs are offered all across the country, in each and every state. To find out what courses your state offers, click here.

Last updated on Thursday, December 21 2017.