Tesla a Threat to GM?

Tue, 7/31/2018 - 9:13 pm by Kirsten Rincon

  Tesla has been regarded as a small, albeit innovative company ever since it was founded in 2003, that didn’t have the potential to become a serious threat to the larger companies that have already established themselves in the global […]

Tougher Fuel-Efficiency Standards for Trucks Proposed in the U.S.

Mon, 7/30/2018 - 9:48 pm by Kirsten Rincon

The U.S. Government has been putting a lot of effort into combating global warming and improving air quality in recent years. One of the key parts of those efforts is reducing carbon emissions from motor vehicles, since transportation is the […]

Crude Oil Transportation Regulations Need to Get Much Tougher

Mon, 7/30/2018 - 9:22 pm by Kirsten Rincon

In the past few months, there has been a lot of talk about oil transport safety, prompted by a series of accidents involving derailed trains while carrying crude oil, many of which resulted in dozens of fatalities. These accidents have […]

Being Loyal to an Auto Insurer Can Lead to Substantially Higher Premiums

Fri, 7/27/2018 - 7:42 pm by Kirsten Rincon

When it comes to auto insurance, consumers often decide to stick with the same provider for many years in an effort to save some money, since most insurance companies offer loyalty discounts. When it comes to auto insurance, consumers often […]

Drivers Can Now Fight Traffic Tickets From Home Using a New App

Wed, 7/25/2018 - 10:02 pm by Kirsten Rincon

Most U.S. drivers will face expensive traffic tickets at one point or another. In certain cities, low-level speeding tickets can cost residents up to $400 for a single violation. For this reason, entrepreneur Christopher Riley came up with the idea […]

U.S. Drivers Still Not Very Keen on Self-Driving Vehicles

Wed, 7/25/2018 - 7:27 pm by Kirsten Rincon

The world’s leading automakers and tech companies are adamant that driverless cars are poised to bring about a dramatic change to transport, make roads much safer and enhance the overall in-vehicle experience. However, despite the numerous benefits of autonomous driving […]

NHTSA Working on an Alcohol Detection System to Prevent Drunk Driving

Tue, 7/24/2018 - 6:43 pm by Kirsten Rincon

With over 30% of all fatal crashes involving a drunk driver or pedestrian, and about 10,000 people getting killed in alcohol-related crashes each year, drunk driving is a very serious threat to public safety in the United States. On top […]