West Virginia CDL training may not be a requirement through the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to earn your commercial drivers license (CDL), but it is a helpful way to prepare for the exams. By enlisting the assistance of an experienced instructor from a CDL school, you can ensure you know how to properly operate a commercial vehicle and perform all maneuvers that will be expected of you on the road test. You can also decide to sign up for CDL prep courses before you attempt to earn your commercial license permit (CLP). The classroom instruction can be a vital study aid for you before you attempt to take the knowledge exam to get your permit.

Truck driving school is also beneficial if you are attempting to earn your CDL and obtain a successful career in the industry. These schools often offer job placement assistance to graduates who obtain their CDLs and need commercial driving jobs. There are many schools throughout the state that can offer training and assistance in earning your CDL. Therefore, it is important to learn more about the curriculum covered by these CDL classes and to review some of the top establishments in the state. To find out more about how these courses can help you to obtain your CDL quickly, review the following sections.

What is CDL training in West Virginia?

WV CDL training assists you in preparing for the knowledge and road exams that are administered by the DMV when applying for CDL credentials in the state. There are different CDL classes, however, so it is important to ensure you choose the right training program for your needs. These include the following:

  • Class A CDL training: You should choose these classes if you plan to apply for your Class A CDL. With this license, you can drive a commercial vehicle that is 26,001 pounds or more and towing another vehicle that is more than 10,000 pounds.
  • Class B CDL training: This type of training should be considered if you are planning to operate a commercial vehicle that is 26,001 pounds or more but that will also tow a vehicle that is less than 10,000 pounds.
  • Class C CDL training: You should find a prep course that specializes in Class C training if you are planning to eventually operate a vehicle that is less than 26,001 pounds and that will tow a vehicle less than 10,000 pounds.

If you plan to operate a passenger vehicle or to haul hazardous materials in your commercial vehicle, then you must also earn additional endorsements such as the Passenger, School Bus or Hazardous Materials endorsements.

Is CDL school required in West Virginia?

In West Virginia, CDL training is not required before you attempt to take your knowledge exam for your CDP or your road test for your CDL. However, the DMV requires you to hold your CDP for at least 14 days before you attempt to take the road test. The department expects you to practice driving with an experienced commercial driver within this time frame so you can learn how to safely operate the vehicle before taking the road test.

In most cases, the best way for you to gain this behind-the-wheel experience is by signing up for a CDL prep course that can help you get ready to pass the test. In many cases, CDL courses include the use of a commercial vehicle to use for the road test and may also include job placement assistance for graduates. This can be beneficial for you if you do not have the class of vehicle you need for the test as well as reduce additional expenses such as registering a vehicle in WV to meet the requirements of the DMV for testing.

Curriculum of West Virginia CDL Classes

A WV CDL school will focus on ensuring you can operate a commercial vehicle safely and properly. These CDL classes cover road laws and other important topics through in-class instruction and behind-the-wheel training.

In-Class Instruction for the CDL Written Test

There is no CDL training online in WV since most schools also incorporate behind-the-wheel training in their program curriculum. However, you can find some online CDL test resources that can assist you in preparing for the written test.

There are classes available through CDL schools that are specifically designed to assist you in studying for the West Virginia CDL written test if you have yet to earn your CDP. These classes cover the state’s commercial driving manual thoroughly and ensure you feel confident in your knowledge of road laws and safe driving techniques. Through in-class instruction, you can consult with an experienced instructor about the material covered on the knowledge exam.

Behind-the-Wheel Instruction for the CDL Driving Test

Once you pass the WV CDL test to earn your CLP, you can begin behind-the-wheel training with an instructor. This training is important because it allows you to build your confidence and skill set to drive a commercial vehicle. With this instruction, you are provided with one-on-one driving time with an experienced driver who knows how the DMV test is administered and the skills you will be tested on.

How long is CDL training in West Virginia?

When you sign up for a truck driving school in West Virginia, the length of the class may vary. Since the DMV does not recommend specific CDL schools or require you to complete training, you can choose the course you want to attend based on its schedule and your availability. In most cases, a class takes four to eight weeks to complete depending on the course schedule.

The length of the CDL course usually depends on its complexity and the extent of the material covered. If you are attempting to earn your CDL along with additional endorsements, then the material covered throughout your course may be more extensive and require more instructional time. However, if you simply want to take a course to ensure you will pass the knowledge exam for your CLP, then the class may only be a few sessions.

Best CDL Schools Near Me in West Virginia

If you are wondering, “Where is a truck driving school near me in WV?” then you will probably find many schools within your search. The local DMV office locations do not certify schools since this training is not required, so it can be overwhelming when you attempt to find a reputable school in your area.

You should find a school that works with your schedule, has experienced instructors and good reviews from past students. Some of your local options may include:

  • Skagit City Trucking School. Class A, B or C CDL training is available at this school and the class schedules are flexible. The Class A course requires 160 hours of training while B or C classes only require 80 hours. Once you have completed the course, the instructor will schedule your DMV exam with an approved third-party exam provider.
  • Clarksburg Truck Driving School. You can complete a course to eventually achieve either your Class A or Class B CDL with this school. This local facility has close relationships with many truck driving companies, so it can assist you in obtaining employment in the commercial driving industry once you have earned your CDL successfully.
  • John D. Rockefeller IV Career Center. This 10-week CDL training program is administered at the New Cumberland campus and is designed to assist you in successfully obtaining your CDL in the state. The program includes both in-class and behind-the-wheel instruction to ensure you are well-versed in road laws and how to perform your commercial driving job efficiently.

Benefits of Completing West Virginia Truck Driving School

You may have an easier time finding CDL jobs in WV if you opt to complete a course before taking your tests with the DMV. Not only do the schools in the state assist with CDL job placement, but many employers in the commercial driving industry are also more likely to hire job candidates who have attended these schools before earning their licenses.

Additionally, by signing up for one of these programs, you can ensure you are studying the materials and performing the driving tasks that will be required of you on the DMV tests. This can help you to earn your CDL and the endorsements you need quickly so you can begin looking for work in the commercial driving industry.

CDL Training Costs in West Virginia

Your West Virginia CDL training cost may vary depending on the course you sign up for. The length of the course and the school you choose can have an impact on your tuition rate. For example, the Skagit City Trucking School Class A course costs $3,500 while the Class B or C CDL course only costs $2,300.

Since the John D. Rockefeller IV Career Center trucking driving course is an extensive program, the tuition for the class is $4,750. However, the DOT physical exam for CDL credentials is typically a separate expense, as this fee is for the physician and not the school.

You may be able to obtain paid CDL training through your current or potential employer if you are already in the commercial driving industry. However, if your employer does not offer this educational assistance, many schools offer financial aid options, such as loans or grants. In many instances, you can sign up for payment plans directly with the school.

How to Self-Prep for West Virginia CDL Exams

You may be able to find a WV CDL practice test online to assist you in preparing for your knowledge exam. However, if you decide to self-prep for the road test, then keep in mind, you must enlist the assistance of a licensed commercial driver to practice operating a commercial vehicle. You are also responsible for providing a commercial vehicle for the DMV road test.

You should use the West Virginia CDL handbook as a study guide for both exams. The manual explains the tests you are required to complete, as well as the documentation you must bring to successfully receive your CDL.

Last updated on Friday, February 28 2020.