There are many benefits that Indiana CDL training can offer to anyone who is interested in getting a commercial driver’s license (CDL). Enrolling in an accredited truck driving school can help applicants to be completely prepared for both the written and skills driving tests that must be passed for a license to be awarded. Participation in a trucking school helps students to learn more than just how to confidently drive large and potentially dangerous commercial motor vehicles; the classes can also help students to understand what it is really like to operate these vehicles as part of a career.

Despite the fact that there is a plethora of benefits to enrolling in CDL prep courses, Indiana does not require drivers to complete this training in order to take the exams and get a CDL. Enrolling in a school is completely optional, although it is very important to consider the benefits that come from enrollment before simply deciding to self-prep for the examinations. Also, keep in mind that some schooling is completely covered by certain trucking companies, and there are also a variety of different financial aid options that can reduce pricing as well. To learn more about how to potentially get free truck driving education, read the sections included below.

What is CDL training in Indiana?

Class A CDL training provides students with all of the information necessary to obtain a Class A CDL, which is needed for combined vehicles that are 26,001 pounds and heavier. This CDL Class A license training typically requires more instruction time than other programs because it is comprehensive and includes information on driving all classes of vehicles.

Class B CDL training provides students with all of the information needed to pass relevant exams and get a Class B CDL, which is needed for single vehicles that are 26,001 pounds and heavier. This type of training will prepare you to obtain a CDL Class B license that allows you to operate most straight non-towing vehicles.

Before you select a training program, ensure that you understand whether you will need a Class A or Class B CDL license for future employment so that you complete the appropriate course. You should also note that Class A training also prepares you to receive a Class B license, so if you are unsure of which type of training you may need in the future, consider Class A.

Is CDL school required in Indiana?

While CDL school is not a requirement of the Indiana BMV for getting a commercial driver’s license, it is still highly recommended, nonetheless. Participating in a course is optional, although it does improve your chances of passing the required examinations and it can provide great job-searching assistance as well.

Curriculum of Indiana CDL Classes

There are a lot of different factors that influence the information that you can expect to learn in an Indiana CDL prep course. These factors include the actual company offering the training, the specific program that you select and even your current experience level. Although the topics will vary, you will generally learn about the average daily tasks of a truck driver, how to handle emergency situations and various driving techniques that can help you become a better driver.

In-Class Instruction for the CDL Written Test

The purpose of the in-class portion of your training program is to prepare you for the CDL written test that you must pass before getting your commercial driver’s license. The knowledge exam will test you on a variety of different topics, and all of them will be covered in your training. A few topics include Indiana CDL laws and traffic regulations, different types of commercial vehicles and endorsements, and driving and transporting cargo safely.

Behind-the-Wheel Instruction for the CDL Driving Test

The behind-the-wheel portion provides you with hands-on experience driving large commercial motor vehicles. During this portion of your CDL schooling, you will get comfortable operating these vehicles and prepare for the CDL driving test that you must pass. Typically, this instruction will include lessons on the following:

  • How to perform vehicle inspections.
  • How to perform basic vehicle controls such as backing up, alley docking, parallel parking and more.
  • Various driving techniques such as turns, lane changes, driving in extreme weather and more.
  • How to perform emergency maneuvers and handle emergency situations.

How long is CDL training in Indiana?

The length of time that CDL classes last depends on the particular school that you enroll in and the program that you choose. As an example, the regular Sage Truck Driving Program lasts 150 hours and is conducted over the period of four to five weeks. Or, you can take an “Advanced” program if you already have truck driving experience and that course will last 80 hours.

Best CDL Schools Near Me in Indiana

Before you simply search, “Truck driving school near me,” it is crucial that you understand that the Indiana BMV has a list of approved schools that you should choose from. It is important to enroll in an approved program so that you can ensure that you are taught all of the information and skills necessary to pass the exams. A few of the best CDL schools in Indiana include:

  • Sage Truck Driving Schools. Sage has a variety of different programs available to students that meet the standards of the Professional Truck Driver Institute (PTDI), including the physical requirements. This school is also trusted by many of the best trucking companies in the United States and provides a lot of hands-on training.
  • Center for Transportation Safety (CTS) Driving Academy. The CTS academy has partnered with community colleges to allow for training in a variety of different locations. This school is completely up to date on all of the newest Department of Transportation mandates and ensures that students receive the appropriate training to receive a CDL.
  • Truck Driver Institute. This program is taught at a training facility where you will learn both the technical and operational aspects of driving a semi-truck. You will receive hands-on practice behind the wheel of an 18-wheeler. Plus, most facilities allow you to complete your testing on-site to receive your Indiana Class A CDL license.

Benefits of Completing Indiana Truck Driving School

There is a big demand for truck drivers in the United States. However, in order to get the best and highest-paying jobs, you need to be qualified. Big trucking companies prefer drivers with experience and participating in a CDL training program demonstrates that you are adequately skilled in operating commercial motor vehicles. Therefore, if you are a trucking school graduate, you have an advantage over drivers who have not received the same training.

Also, there are other benefits such as being more prepared for the exams and receiving IN CDL job placement assistance that can help you to find employment quickly after graduation.

CDL Training Costs in Indiana

To enroll, you must pay the CDL training costs associated with the school and program that you choose. The tuition you must pay varies depending on the program, so it is important that you contact the school directly to inquire about the amount you must pay.

Do not let the pricing keep you from enrolling if you feel that you cannot afford the costs. There are a lot of different financial options available that you may qualify for, including company paid CDL training. Contact the trucking companies that you are interested in working for to see if they offer to pay for your schooling or reimburse your tuition payments. If you cannot secure paid training through a company, consider looking into financial aid options such as payment plans, grants, loans and more.

Note: There may be additional fees that are not covered through tuition, including the costs of taking the various exams. Inquire about these fees before you enroll so that you are completely prepared.

How to Self-Prep for Indiana CDL Exams

You must study the Indiana CDL handbook in order to be prepared for the exams, especially if you choose to not enroll in a school. You can also use the handbook as a free CDL practice test when you utilize the “Test Your Knowledge” sections that are included. These sections include questions that are similar to what you will be asked on the written exam. The exams are difficult, so completing a training program is the best option for being prepared, although you can also learn the information that you need through intensively studying the handbook.

Last updated on Thursday, February 27 2020.