Enrolling in CDL training in Florida can provide you with many benefits. An approved CDL school can help you to be completely prepared for both of the required tests that are needed before obtaining a CDL license. The program is designed to help you become a confident commercial vehicle driver so that you can obtain the CDL license needed for your career. Also, participation in the program can help you to gain the experience you need to become a better driver and assist you in deciding if a career operating commercial vehicles is right for you.

Florida does not require you to complete a truck driving school in order to get a CDL, although it is still highly recommended. Although signing up for commercial license school is optional, it is important to consider the benefits that come from enrollment before you make a decision. Also, if the cost of education is a factor, then keep in mind that some trucking companies completely cover the cost of schooling or offer forms of tuition reimbursement. There are also a variety of different financial aid options that can reduce pricing as well. If you want to learn more about the various options you have, then read the sections below.

What is CDL training in Florida?

You need to take Class A CDL training if you want to get a Class A CDL. The Class A license is needed for combined vehicles that are 26,001 pounds and heavier. This CDL training is typically longer than the other programs because it is comprehensive and includes information on driving class A, B and C vehicles.

Make sure that you understand what specific CDL license you need for future employment so that you enroll in the correct course.

You can enroll in Class B CDL training if you intend to drive only single vehicles that are 26,001 pounds and heavier and do not need to tow additional vehicles.

This training will prepare you to obtain a CDL Class B or C license that allows you to operate most straight vehicles such as buses, box trucks and more. However, keep in mind that additional endorsements are needed for certain vehicles such as school buses or trucks transporting hazardous materials.

Is CDL school required in Florida?

CDL school is not a requirement in the state of Florida. Although participating in the course is optional, it is highly recommended.

Like first-time driver’s education, CDL training provides you with a lot of assistance in passing the examinations and even getting a job after you have graduated.

Curriculum of Florida CDL Classes

There are many topics that must be covered in your CDL courses. Typically, the topics are divided up into information that is taught in the classroom and information taught behind the wheel or while doing hands-on work.

Keep in mind that the CDL training you receive during the course varies depending on the school you chose and the program you are enrolled in as well.

In-Class Instruction for the CDL Written Test

The in-class portion of your training program is designed to prepare you for the knowledge-based CDL test that you must get a passing score on before you can obtain your commercial driver’s license credential.

The CDL written test will cover a few different topics such as Florida CDL laws and regulations, different types of commercial vehicles and endorsements and proper driving techniques. Therefore, the in-class portion of your instruction will cover all of those topics so that you can be properly prepared.

Behind-the-Wheel Instruction for the CDL Driving Test

The other section of your CDL training in FL will include behind-the-wheel instruction. This section is designed to prepare you for the CDL driving test that you must pass in order to obtain your license, as you will get hands-on experience driving large commercial vehicles.

During this portion, you will get comfortable operating these vehicles and performing various maneuvers. An instructor will guide you while you are driving and help you to practice driving safely.

How long is CDL training in Florida?

Commercial driving license courses vary greatly in length depending on a few different factors. These factors include the specific course that you opt to enroll in and your studying needs.

Before you select a CDL course, ensure that you are completely aware of how long you must commit to the schooling.

Best CDL Schools Near Me in Florida

Before you simply search, “Truck driving school near me,” it is crucial that you understand that the Florida DMV office has a list of approved schools from which to choose.

It is important to enroll in an approved program so that you can ensure that you are taught all of the information and skills necessary to pass the exams.

A few of the best CDL schools in Florida include:

  • 1st Class CDL Truck Training. 1st Class CDL Truck Training offers training for A, B or C Class licenses. They provide bus and tractor training on-site, and they also offer on-site license testing so that you do not need to make an extra trip to the DMV. In addition, this school is open seven days a week to better work with your schedule.
  • Metropolitan Trucking and Technical Institute. This highly-rated institute has highly-experienced instructors that will provide you with practical hands-on experience. They also offer high-quality CDL training at a lower cost, and they work with you to design a beneficial financial plan.
  • Truck Driver Institute. This program includes both classroom and behind-the-wheel training that provides the skills you need to pass CDL tests and to work for a major truck driving company. You will complete hands-on practice behind the wheel of an 18-wheeler where you will learn shifting techniques, turning maneuvers and safely backing up. In addition, you can complete your testing on-site to receive your Florida Class A CDL license, which is beneficial if you do not have a Class A commercial vehicle that and has auto insurance and meets the vehicle registration requirements of the state.

Benefits of Completing Florida Truck Driving School

Getting CDL jobs is your top priority if you decide to become a commercial motor vehicle driver. Therefore, it is important for you to participate in CDL training so that you can have the best job opportunities available.

Being properly trained through a reputable CDL school can improve your chances of getting employment.

Also, most CDL training schools offer CDL job placement assistance once you have completed the program. This can help you to gain employment through their various connections much faster than if you were searching on your own.

CDL Training Costs in Florida

Regardless of the school you enroll in, when you sign up you must pay the CDL training cost that is associated with the program that you chose.

Your exact tuition will vary depending on the specific program, so it is important that you contact the CDL school in order to inquire about the amount you owe. Training costs may include some licensing fees but may not cover the mandatory DOT physical exam for CDL drivers.

Also, keep in mind that there are a lot of financial options available that you may qualify for to reduce your tuition or make paying easier. These include company paid CDL training, payment plans, grants, loans and more.

How to Self-Prep for Florida CDL Exams

If you choose not to enroll in a CDL course, then it is especially necessary that you study for the exams on your own. The most effective way to study is by reading the Florida CDL handbook.

Ensure that you understand all of the information included in the CDL driver’s manual handbook so that you are prepared for the exams.

Although studying with a CDL practice test on your own can be a good way to prepare for the exams, participating in a course is more likely to prepare you better and help you to pass the exams on your first try.

Last updated on Thursday, February 27 2020.