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To find a CT DMV office near you, check the map or the list provided below. Once you locate the DMV closest to you, click on the link to find out more about that particular DMV location in Connecticut. The information offered will help you get in touch with the CT DMV location you have selected as well as provide you with details regarding office hours, holidays, and available services and payment methods.

The DMVs in Connecticut normally handle drivers services, such as applying for or renewing your ID card or CT driving license. You can obtain a duplicate driving license, ID card, car title or vehicle registration at a CT DMV near you. Changing or updating your personal information on any DMV documents is also available.

Did you know that not all Connecticut DMVs offer the same services? For instance, only a few CT DMV locations allow you to take the written DMV exams or complete CDL-related activities. Check the list of services provided before heading out.
Making an appointment before visiting a DMV location in Connecticut is not mandatory; however, scheduling your visit will result in faster service. Find the contact information on the list below and set up your visit in advance.

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Last updated on Tuesday, November 27 2018.