Accumulation of demerit points in Oklahoma occurs when a state court convicts a driver for a violation of the state motor vehicle laws. According to the rules of the state point system, the Department of Public Safety (DPS) assigns a different amount of penalty points for different types of offenses.

However, in addition to the OK traffic ticket penalty issued by the DPS, drivers are also subject to certain court-imposed penalties.

Find more information about the state driver point system and how to reduce license points in Oklahoma by reading the sections outlined below:

  • Moving violations and points in Oklahoma
  • Penalties in Oklahoma
  • How to fix a driving record in Oklahoma
  • Disputing a moving violation charge in Oklahoma

Moving Violations and Points in Oklahoma

Assigning moving violation points in Oklahoma is a method by which the state DPS monitors the driving habits of drivers within the state. Drivers who accrue a large amount of demerit points on their driving records are generally penalized with a license suspension.

Note that, instead of accumulating OK driving record points for certain more serious offenses, drivers may be penalized with an immediate license suspension or revocation.

For example, even if DUI points are not accrued for driving under the influence offenses, you will still lose your driving license for a certain period of time.

Review the OK demerit point penalties issued as a result of several types of offenses in the following list:

  • Operating a defective vehicle: 1 point.
  • Violating a restriction placed on a driving license: 2 points.
  • Driving in a careless manner: 2 careless driving points.
  • Speeding in excess of 25 mph over the limit: 3 speeding ticket points.
  • Operating a motor vehicle recklessly: 4 reckless driving points.

When a driver accumulates 10 or more moving violation points in OK within a five-year period, he or she will be penalized with a credential suspension. Depending on the number of previous demerit point-related suspensions, the duration of the suspension period may vary.

For instance, when you accumulate 10 or more car accident points and/or other types of points for the first time, your license will be suspended for one month. Second point-related suspensions, on the other hand, will last for three months.

Penalties in Oklahoma

Drivers who violate the law are subject to traffic violation penalties in Oklahoma issued by the state DPS and the court that is processing their ticket. While the department may issue an administrative traffic ticket penalty in the form of a license suspension, the court generally penalizes drivers with a specific traffic fine.

Serious offenses, such as committing a felony with a motor vehicle or driving under the influence (DUI) violations will also result in certain criminal penalties. The DUI penalties issued to drivers convicted of driving while intoxicated, for example, may include any of the following:

  • A driving license suspension issued by the state DPS.
  • A steep traffic fine and additional court-set costs.
  • A jail sentence and/or a community service sentence.
  • Alcohol and drug substance abuse evaluation.
  • A mandatory participation in a treatment program.
  • A court-order credential suspension.

More severe Oklahoma drunk driving penalties are issued to drivers who have previously committed similar offenses, and to those with a higher blood alcohol content (BAC) level at the moment of apprehension.

How to Fix a Driving Record in Oklahoma

One of the ways to get points off your license in Oklahoma is to complete a defensive driving course for purposes of point reduction. While the state DPS deducts two demerit points for each conviction-free year, a certificate of completion of a traffic school course can also be submitted to immediately remove two points from your record. Note that, you can clean your driving record in OK via this method only once within any 24-month period.

Instead of removing penalty points through a driver improvement course, you may also be able to avoid the accumulation of points on your record entirely. Certain courts may offer drivers the option to enroll in a state-accepted accepted driving safety course in order to dismiss their tickets. Contact the court that is processing your ticket to inquire about the availability of this option.

Disputing a Moving Violation Charge in Oklahoma

To avoid the Oklahoma traffic ticket penalty associated with their citations, drivers can also choose the option to contest traffic tickets within the state. To initiate the process of contesting a speeding ticket or another type of citation, drivers must submit a plea of “not guilty” on or before their scheduled court date.

When informing the presiding court of your decision to dispute a speeding ticket in OK or another type of citation, you will generally be required to post a bond in the amount of your original traffic fine. You can start preparing for the process of appealing a traffic ticket after receiving your trial date. During your trial, you and/or your lawyer will be granted the opportunity to present the case.

You will not be subjected to any traffic violation penalties in OK and the bond will be returned to you if you are found “not guilty” of the offense. Also, the conviction will not be reported on your driving transcript and your car insurance rates will remain unaffected.

Last updated on Wednesday, October 14 2020.