Military veterans are offered various VA benefits after having served in the U.S. military. Benefits programs are created in order to provide military veterans with assistance to improve their housing situation, financial stability, education and employment opportunities. In addition, some states offer other benefits, such as compensation, pension, medical benefits, grants, specialized license plates and more.

However, these benefits differ from one state to another. Military veterans, who are wondering whether they satisfy the veterans benefits eligibility criteria are encouraged to contact their state department of motor vehicles and find out more information about the available benefits for veterans like themselves. Learn more about the benefits available to veterans by visiting your state-specific page:

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Veterans Housing Program

One of the crucial benefits for veterans is the housing program which provides both housing and medical care. Each state offers various nursing homes for veterans who need special medical care.

Housing VA benefits will provide veterans not only with the needed medical care, but also will satisfy their demands for rehabilitative therapy.

Therefore, when considering your options for benefits such as the veteran housing program, contact your state veteran’s administration representative for more information about the eligibility criteria and the applicable requirements that you must satisfy in order to get accepted in this program.

Employment Benefits for Veterans

Another type of veterans benefit is the help that former military members get in order to improve their employment opportunities. The Department of Veterans Affairs offers a Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) program which is created for the sole purpose to help you get a chance to gain employment.

This program is one of the VA benefits that provide counseling and training services that will help you increase the chances of getting a job.

Veterans may apply for the VR&E program and get benefits only if they satisfy the following eligibility criteria:

  • Have an honorable discharge
  • Have a VA disability rating or memo rating of 10 percent or more
  • Have an employment handicap as a result of disability gained on active duty
  • Have applied for the VR&E program and services

Once you satisfy the eligibility criteria, you may get VA benefits by completing the application process for the VR&E services online, by mail, or in person at a nearby VA office in your state of residence.

Education Benefits for Veterans

Military members, who are no longer on active duty, can apply for education benefits for themselves and for their families. VA education benefits give veterans and their families the opportunity to attend college without having to pay tuition, fees and the cost of required books.

Additionally, they may get the right help in finding the best school or training program as well as obtain the needed counsel when searching for the right career.

In order to apply for veteran education benefits, you need to first satisfy the eligibility criteria and then complete the application process.

To be eligible for education assistance, you must prove that you had spent at least 90 days serving on active duty in the military. Moreover, dependent spouses or children of military members may also qualify for benefits by satisfying the eligibility criteria for a GI Bill program.

Veterans Financial Assistance Benefits

Veterans may also get financial benefits in the form of assistance, which will help them become exempt from paying income taxes, property taxes, license taxes and/or registration fees. A Special Monthly Compensation (SMC) is one of the financial veterans assistance programs for both veterans and their families.

The SMC is a higher compensation rate for veterans who need help or attendance by another person, or who suffer from disability such as losing one hand or leg.

Another veterans compensation is the Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) benefit which is usually paid to a surviving spouse, child or parent of a military member who died on active duty, on training for active or inactive duty, as well as for members of the army who have died on inactive duty as a result of their disabilities.

VA disability compensation is another tax-free benefit paid to veterans with disabilities gained on active duty.

Last updated on Tuesday, May 7 2019.